Giannetakis Stavros

Agia Marina
Chania – Crete
Telephone:  6937170158
Email: info@luxury-tours.gr
VAT Registration Number:

Nowadays, cookies are used by the vast majority of websites and, in most cases, are necessary to provide specific services from the website.

A cookie is a small text file, which is stored on the user’s device (eg computer (PC or laptop), tablet, smartphone, etc.) and allows the website to recognize it the next time the user uses the specific device to visit the site. Cookies can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating statistics for a website’s usage and traffic profile, optimizing the display of targeted text and ads, etc.The cookie is a passive file and can not collect sensitive personal data stored on the user’s device, nor can it be used to transmit viruses and other malicious and malicious programs and files.

Some cookies are placed by third party websites, ie outside of this website listed in the web browser’s address bar. The contents of these cookies may be of a general nature, but they may also be, for example, analysis tools or embedded comment fields. In this case, practically this means that the specific cookies are stored by third parties and not by the administrators of the respective specific website.

Other cookies are created temporarily and stop as soon as the user leaves the website or when he closes the web browser he uses. These cookies are also known as session cookies. Other cookies are stored on the user’s device for a longer period of time and are known as persistent cookies. When the user visits the website again, new session cookies will be placed in the temporary memory, while the persistent cookies will be updated and renewed.

At the argaleios.gr website we use cookies for marketing purposes, mainly to have a better picture of how our website is used by users who visit it. In this way we can carry out improved management, operation, and promotion practices, while, at the same time, we can significantly enrich and improve the visiting experience of the users who honor us with their presence and the use of our website.

We also use cookies for the successful execution and completion of orders placed in our online store (web shop).

Please note that the data collected for marketing and statistical purposes are anonymous and can not be used to identify / identify users. We use cookies based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 f) of the GDPR (legal interest in optimizing our offers). Some cookies are used only with the consent of the user (Article 6 Paragraph 1 a) of the GDPR).

We use tracking cookies, as well as statistical and technical cookies. For the better information of our users, we list below the most cookies we use:



For the purpose of customizing and continuously optimizing our pages, we use Google Analytics, a specialized web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (” Google “), Pursuant to Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (legal interest). The Google Analytics service uses “cookies”, which are stored on the computers of users-visitors, giving us the ability to analyze the use of our website

From time to time, we work with various advertising partners to make the experience of visiting and using our website even more fun and interesting. For this reason, the cookies of our advertising partners are activated when users visit our website (also known as third-party cookies). In the cookies of our advertising partners, information is stored with the use of aliases regarding the behavior, interests and preferences / choices of users regarding our website for as long as they remain on it.In some cases, data related to visits to other websites is also collected before users visit ours. Based on this collected data, targeted ads (based on the above data) by our advertising partners will be displayed to the users-visitors of our website. No personal data is stored and there will be no merging of user profiles with personal data of the users of our website.

It is possible to disable the display of targeted ads based on web behavior and preferences, which ads are displayed by our advertising partners, after the corresponding adjustment of the relevant cookie settings in the web browser.

Deleting or rejecting cookies depends on the web browser.
You can click on the link of your web browser to get more specific information:

Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Flash cookies
We should mention that in case you choose to reject cookies, you may not be able to fully use all aspects / functions of our website.

The websites have the obligation to inform their users-visitors about the cookies that are placed on their devices. The information provided should be in accordance with the guidelines of the Data Protection Authority, in particular the Decree on the information and consent of the user required in case of storage or access to user terminal equipment (see “Executive Order on Information and Consent”). required in case of Storing or Accessing Information in End-user Terminal Equipment ”).

For more information on how we process the personal data of users – visitors of our website, you can read our Privacy Policy, which you can find εδώ.